Friday, March 25, 2022

What Does Put Me On Blast Mean In Slang

To ruin, damage, break. E.g."If I find out it was you that buggered my DVD player, then you can forget borrowing money from us to go on holiday." bugger about /around Verb. To mess around, waste time.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - To ruin

E.g."We just buggered around for the weekend and relaxed." bugger-all Noun. Absolutely nothing at all. E.g."There's bugger-all we can do about it now, the police are here and we're trapped." buggeration! An exclamation of annoyance or frustation.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - E

Buggered Adj. Worn out, broken, ruined. Buggergrips Noun.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - To mess around

Sideburns, facial hair on the side of a man's face. Bugger if... Beginning a phrase will mean there's no way, such as "bugger if I'm going to volunteer when it'll mean missing the party". It is an abbreviated form of 'I'll be buggered if...'. Buggering hell! Expressing surprise or anger.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - E

Also occasionally shortened to bugger hell!. Exclamation of frustration. Buggerlugs Noun. A term of address, usually affectionate use. An exclamation of surprise.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Absolutely nothing at all

Bugger-off Verb. Get lost, clear off. Usually said in annoyance and in the imper. Bugger that for a game of soldiers Vrb phrs.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - E

A expression of resignation - i.e. there's no way that I'm doing that! Similar sentiments to the expression screw it. E.g."Bugger that for a game of soldiers, I don't care how safe you say it is, I'm not jumping out of a plane at 3,000 feet with or without a parachute." Cf.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - An exclamation of annoyance or frustation

'sod this for a game of soldiers'. Bugger-up Verb. To mess up, to get wrong. E.g."It's no good, we may aswell go home, he's buggered up the evening by getting drunk." buggery Adj.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Buggered Adj

Used as an intensifier in denials such as did I buggery! Or like buggery she did. Bugger you Verb.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Worn out

An exclamation of annoyance aimed at someone. Bugle Noun. Bugs bunny Noun.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Buggergrips Noun

Rhyming slang. Aust.] builder's bum Noun. The top of the buttocks when seen above the waistline of trousers when a person is kneeling or bending. Alluding to builders and their propensity for revealing such.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Sideburns

See 'plumber's crack' builder's cleavage Noun. The top of the buttocks revealed when a person is kneeling or bending. 'builder's bum' built like a brick shithouse Phrs. Large, sturdy and strong.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Bugger if

Often said of a person. Bulge Noun. A euphemism for the male genitals usually from being apparent through clothing. Of 'bullshit'. A term of address, especially between blacks. Broddle Verb.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Beginning a phrase will mean there

To poke, or make holes by poking. E.g."I was broddling the drains, trying to clear a blockage when I found my mum's wedding ring she'd dropped down the toilet years ago." [Yorks use/dialect] brolly Noun. An umbrella. Bromance Noun. A very close, intimate friendship between two or more males. A combination of brother and romance.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - It is an abbreviated form of

U.S. 1990s] broo Noun. Unemployment bureau or benefits office. An abbreviated form of bureau.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Buggering hell

E.g."I was laid off work yesterday, so I'm going down the broo to sign on for social security." Cf. 'on the broo'. Brothel creepers Noun. Thick rubber soled shoes, fashionable with Teddy Boys and rockers of the 1950s, and revived in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Brown bread Adj.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Expressing surprise or anger

Cockney rhyming slang. Browned off Adj. Upset, fed up, miserable, irritated. E.g."I'm a bit browned off after having to cancel my holiday due to illness." browneye Noun. Brown hatter Noun. A homosexual male.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Also occasionally shortened to bugger hell

Brownie point Noun. A hypothetical award for achievement, usually given as a backhanded compliment for sycophantic behaviour. Brown-nose Verb. To curry favour, to behave sycophantically, i.e. to 'arse-lick'. E.g."Tom's in the manager's office brown-nosing - hoping to get that promotion." brown-noser Noun.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Exclamation of frustration

A sycophant. Browns Noun. E.g."Will you pass me a browns, I'm gasping for a smoke." brown trout Noun. A lump of excrement. Brown trouser moment Noun.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Buggerlugs Noun

An extremely frightening moment. Brown wings Noun. Of males, getting one's brown wings denotes having had anal sex with someone. A play on the RAF expression earn one's wings.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - A term of address

Brown is a commonly used term for things anal or of that part of the anatomy. Usually heard in phrases such as earn/get one's brown wings. Bruce Lees Noun. Erect and prominent nipples. A play on words, from Bruce Lee (the actor famous for his Martial Arts skills/films) being a hard Nip . See 'hard' and 'Nip'.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - An exclamation of surprise

The City of Birmingham. From the word brummagem. Brummie Noun. A native of Birmingham. Also Brummy. A term of address, usually for a friend.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Bugger-off Verb

What Does Put Me On Mean In Slang A corruption of brother. [Mainly South-east use] bs Noun. Nonsense, rubbish.

What Does Put Me On Mean In Slang

Of bullshit. U.S.] bubbies Noun. Female breasts. A complaint, a grievance, problems . E.g."If you've got a beef about the decision, then fill in the appropriate appeal forms." [Orig. U.S.] beef bayonet Noun.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Usually said in annoyance and in the imper

Beef curtains Noun. The female genitals. U.S.] beef up Vrb phrs. To increase in size or volume; basically to make stronger. E.g."Once he'd beefed up his engine, his car was unbeatable on the track." beer baby Noun. A protruding belly, from drinking excessive amounts of beer, that makes its owner look pregnant.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Bugger that for a game of soldiers Vrb phrs

Beer belly Noun. A bulging stomach caused by drinking large quantities of beer. Beemer Noun. A BMW automobile.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - A expression of resignation - i

Beer goggles Noun. The impaired judgement from the excessive consumption of alcohol that makes an otherwise unappealing person or thing seem attractive. The time one feels is most appropriate for some alcoholic refreshment , such as beer. Often used specifically to mean the end of the working day. Beer scooter Noun. The supposed transport one must have taken to get home when very drunk and as there is no recollection of how one did get home.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Similar sentiments to the expression screw it

Beer tits Noun. Fatty deposits on the breasts of a male, arising through excessive beer drinking. 'bitch tits'.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - E

Beer tokens Noun. Bees and honey Noun. Bee's knees Noun. This term originates from the prolific slang of the Flappers along with the similar 'cats whiskers'. 'dogs bollocks'.

what does put me on blast mean in slang -

U.S. 1920s] bee stings Noun. Small breasts. Beeswax Noun. Used in the phrases none of your beeswax and mind your beeswax. U.S.] beetle Verb.

what does put me on blast mean in slang - Bugger-up Verb

What Does Put Me On Blast Mean In Slang

To ruin, damage, break. E.g."If I find out it was you that buggered my DVD player, then you can forget borrowing money from us to go on...